我们的目光 —— 艺术、人类学与亚洲映像
Our Gaze— Art, Anthropology, and Asian Imagery
时间:2025 年 3 月20日- 5 月11日
Duration: 20th March 2025 - 11th May 2025
Venue: Exhibition Hall 7&Hall 8, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, University Town
Curators: CHEN Xiaoyang & XIONG Xun
Ekin Kee Charles (Malaysia)
Ho Rui An (Singapore)
Nguyên Trinh Thi(Vietnam)
Natasha Tontey (Indonesia)
QIN Jin (China)
ZHOU Tao (China)
Aryo Danusiri (Indonesia)
BAO Jiang (China)
Kathleen Lei Limayo (Philippines)
Jenny Chio (USA)
Sorayut Aiemueayut (Thailand)
ZHANG Jinghong (China)
Moving Image as an "Equal Medium"
Chen Xiaoyang
The origins of moving image technology can be traced back to early 19th century Europe. From the initial silent images, through the advent of sound and color films, to the television that became a part of everyday life post-World War II, visual media have progressively emerged as a dominant form of visual art and mass communication in the modern world. In the realm of fine arts, the introduction of portable video cameras in the 1960s provided artists with a novel tool for visual expression, leading them to explore the expressive potential of moving image technology and narrative language, thereby creating experimental video artworks. From the late 1980s into the 1990s, following the end of the Cold War and the rapid technological and industrial expansion spurred by global economic integration, video art disseminated from its Western roots in Europe and the United States to non-Western regions such as Asia and South America. This period witnessed a rapid global development of video art, which has since become an integral component of contemporary global art.
Starting from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, anthropologists have recognized the potential of cameras and documentary techniques as auxiliary tools for fieldwork, these technologies facilitate the recording of cultural phenomena and social life during field investigations, leading to the emergence of scholars and academic communities specializing in ethnographic filmmaking, anthropologists began to focus on "visual" information that transcends verbal and linguistic expression, for instance, anthropological images effectively capture multi-modal experiences of the body and senses, thereby complementing ethnographic research and writing, the sensory turn in anthropological works has enabled these studies to transcend the confines of academia, entering public spaces such as art museums, thus engaging a broader audience in meaningful dialogue.
Since the 21st century, with the widespread adoption of network technology and portable mobile devices, video art has increasingly demonstrated its potential as an "equal medium", the democratization of image recording and display technologies has transformed the act of "seeing and being seen" into a complex interplay of power and discourse. Anthropologists have sought to empower their field partners through "image empowerment", enabling them to articulate their own narratives, meanwhile, contemporary artists have adopted an ethnographic perspective to explore the cultural depths of places and scenes, uncovering new modes of artistic expression from previously unseen perspectives. Consequently, the relationship between photographer and subject has evolved beyond the one-dimensional gaze towards "other" characteristic of early Modernism. A diverse community of reflective practitioners, researchers, and cultural actors has emerged, fostering new possibilities for cultural narrative through reflexive thinking and multi-dimensional perspectives. This exhibition does not aim to vindicate any particular image or impression of Asian culture. Instead, it invites 12 artists and anthropologists from China and Southeast Asia to participate. Through their long-term on-site creations, it presents some previously overlooked microcosms or individual voices beyond the passive narrative of Asia. Combined with different situational installations, it brings about subtle embodied experiences, presenting the contrasts and intersections of the "moving images" of mountains and seas, islands, rainforests, ports, communities, villages, and the people within them. In the middle of the exhibition hall, it also highlights the curatorial process, showcasing the misreadings, dialogues, and understandings that occur among works from different disciplines and fields. Additionally, it raises open-ended questions about the risks associated with relying on vague and ambiguous concepts of "we."
The exhibition hall minimally emphasizes distinctions between the works of artists and anthropologists, apart from the deliberate incorporation of the "tropical slope roof" design, a common architectural feature in South Asia, to create an image community, this intentional blurring of disciplinary boundaries and decentering of professional hierarchies aims to construct a multidimensional sensory experience centered on visual works, stripped of knowledge-based labels. These dialogues not only examine the creators' penetrating expression of thought, problem awareness, and visual narrative within the context but also encourage viewers to forge their own viewing paths guided by feelings and intuition, through the images, stories and experiences of South Asia presented in the works, viewers are prompted to reflect on what constitutes the cognition of "us", understanding the historical and contemporary changes behind the "gaze" and exploring the possibility of envisioning a future perspective.
Preface 2
The Polyphony of the Gaze
Xiong Xun
A new trend of convergence and collaboration is emerging between contemporary art and anthropology. This interdisciplinary exchange, often referred to as the ethnographic turn in art, sees artists adopting anthropological methodologies to engage with the voices and lived realities of cultural "others." Conversely, the artistic practices of anthropologists are gaining momentum, rooted in fieldwork insights and ethical considerations. Moving beyond the singular mode of traditional "writing culture," they actively experiment with images, installations, visual narratives, and performative actions to participate in a dynamic exploration of "us".
Contemporary art exhibitions are not merely spaces for showcasing finished works, but rather evolving sites of collaborative inquiry. Here, the methodologies, narrative strategies, and aesthetic approaches of anthropologists and artists mutually inspire and challenge one another. This exhibition unfolds as a fluid fieldwork-in-process, a sustained dialogue of gazes: we deliberately blur the boundaries between public art spaces and anthropological seminar, allowing anthropological field images to take root and grow within the museum, while contemporary artists’ sensory experiments subtly intersect with ethnographic narratives on multiple levels. We envision the exhibition as a continuum of pasts and futures in motion—not simply a convergence of works within the museum, but an entanglement of encounters, negotiations, and frictions among anthropologists, artists, curators, and designers. Embedded within this process are moments of discovery, reflection, documentation, and expression.
More importantly, through this exhibition, we pose a central question: Who are "we"? The southern monsoons, fertile ground, and warm ocean currents have long been framed as the "lands of the Other" in Western academic discourse. Yet, from our perspective, they are sites of self-discovery, exchange, and articulation—our shared homeland. Here, "we" does not only refer to the figures appearing in the images and installations, nor solely to the lived worlds that shape them. It also encompasses the perspectives and propositions of the anthropologists and artists who stand behind these works. This collaboration extends the epistemic and expressive trajectories of both disciplines while gesturing toward a broader community of humanistic solidarity and image-making. The gaze that animates this community may have once belonged to anthropologists, artists, curators, and museums. But now, most importantly, it includes your gaze—your perspective, your reflections, distinct yet entangled within this shared "we."
"Our gaze" signifies that the lens is no longer a one-way peephole, but a prism refracting multiple spectra. This is not an exhibition about Asia; it is an exhibition about Asia in motion. Not a showcase of cultural diversity, but a fertile ground for emerging perspectives and insights. Here, you are invited to step into an open-ended visual dialogue. As you resonate with the interplay of light and shadow in the exhibition hall, you may come to realize: the so-called "Other" is but a reflection of the self yet to be recognized. And true cross-cultural understanding begins with the acknowledgment that every gaze carries its own gentle partiality.
学术顾问:王璜生 胡斌
策展助理:赵凡 朱千悦
展览执行:李铁军 何泉 黄兴彪
传播教育:王秀媛 刘子瑗 余爽
行政支持:钟凌燕 王潇涵
空间设计:刘洋 氹边建筑
Academic Advisors: WANG Huangsheng & HU Bin
Exhibition Advisor: HOU Hanru
Exhibition Supervisor: HONG Rongman
Curatorial Assistants: ZHAO Fan & ZHU Qianyue
Exhibition Executive: LI Tiejun & HE Quan & HUANG Xingbiao
Public Programme: WANG Xiuyuan & LIU Ziyuan & YU Shuang
Administrative Support: ZHONG Linyan & WANG Xiaohan
Visual Design: TENBUTTONS
Spatial Design: LIU Yang & Atelier Waterside